Are we washing our clothes too much
Should we be washing our clothes less like in the olden days?
Holidaymakers picking up more than just a tan on holiday
Poor standards of hygiene making travellers sick on their summer holidays
Keep Your Desk Clean for the Sake of Your Health
Warning: this article contains shocking information! Did you know that the average computer mouse is three times dirtier than the average toilet seat and twice as dirty as the average toilet handle?
Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands
In the world of hygiene it's not just the surfaces around us that need regular cleaning but the two things that come into contact with a whole array of surfaces throughout the day - our hands.
Whats in your cleaning supplies cupboard?
Do you have the right supplies in your cleaning cupboard?
Tips for a sparkling workplace
Keeping your workplace clean is the most basic health and safety practice but it's also much more than that.
PhoneSoap Cleans Your Phone Whilst It Charges
Mobile phones are notoriously germy things harbouring a frightening array of bacteria - the introduction of PhoneSoap is set to change all that!
Water fountains - a hotspot for germs
Water fountains have long been identified as hotspots for germ colonies but just how germy are they and what kind of germs are they harbouring?
Cleaning Products for sparkly windows - and how not to clean them
Spring is here and we have advice on cleaning your windows along with some funny pictures showing how not to clean them!
How cleaning and maintenence can protect against germy gyms
We go to the gym to get fit and stay healthy but can they be making us sick?
Germy January Sales - Remember your hand sanitiser & cleaning products!
The sales are on and the shopping centres are bustling - but are we picking up more than a few bargains?
Cleaning your home up for christmas
Christmas is almost here so its time to de-clutter and get our cleaning supplies out!
Use cleaning supplies to combat Salmonella
Salmonella is a bacteria usually found in the intestines of animals and birds, it can be transmitted to humans through contaminated foods - the effective application of cleaning supplies and food hygiene can help to guard against the bacteria.
Dont forget to clean your Salt & Pepper Shakers!
A hot spot for bacteria that most of us forget to clean with our cleaning supplies.
Cleaning supplies to blitz kids outdoor toys
Now autumn is here it's time to start cleaning up the kids outdoor toys and storing them away untill spring time.
Blitz the kids rooms with mild cleaners
Kids rooms not only get messy but they are pretty germy too!
New anti-microbial spray to stop germs permanently
The University of Georgia develop a new spray for garments to permanently stop the growth of germs
The kitchen sink...a No. 1 hotspot for germs
Poor use of cleaning products together with general neglect of hygiene standards, leads to our kitchen sinks becoming a favourite habitat to hundreds of thousands of bacteria.....and we are talking per square inch!!
Cleaning supplies combat killer fungi in dishwashers
Research highlights our appliances are harbouring dangerous fungal yeasts
Cleaning sanitisers to combat E-Coli
Recent E-Coli outbreaks prompt us to apply bactericidal cleaning supplies
Clear desk gives a clear mind with our cleaning supplies
Clear up and de-clutter your desk with our cleaning supplies
Fragranced disinfectants to spring clean your bathroom
Spring is here and its time to get your cleaning supplies out and freshen your bathroom
Time to get the cleaners out and spring clean your bedroom
Clean and freshen your bedroom with our cleaning supplies
Kids high chairs are a germ hotspot
Studies reveal that we are feeding our children in high chairs harbouring almost twenty times more bacteria than the average toilet seat.
Effective cleaning cuts legionella risk for hot tubs
Dangerous bacteria may be lurking in your hot tub so use your cleaning supplies to clean up your tub for the summer
Cleaning Supplies to Spring Clean Your Carpets
Studies find the average carpet to be 4,000 times germier than a toilet seat so grab your cleaning supplies and give your carpets a spring clean
Cleaning up for Loo of The Year awards
Applications and nominations are now being taken for this years Loo of The Year competition, so why not let your loo's shine with our cleaning supplies
Phones and keyboards in need of disinfection
A recent study has found that keyboards and phones are harbouring harmful bacteria without proper use of bactericidal cleaning supplies
Effective cleaning will combat the germs all around us
Study finds that our cash machines are dirtier than public toilets...and harbouring the same bugs
Kids bath toys need acquainting with cleaning agents
Studies find our childrens bath toys swarming with harmful germs
Handbags need cleaning too
Studies suggest our handbags need cleaning products
Swine Flu and infection control cleaning
Swine Flu is still about so how can we use our cleaning to reduce the risk of contracting it at home or in the workplace
Steering wheels need disinfecting...just like the toilet
Neglecting to clean our steering wheels is resulting in twice as many germs as the average loo