Laundry Range
Here you will see that we are able to offer a wide selection of laundry supplies whatever your requirements may be. We cater to the commercial laundry market, the care sector, hotels and leisure along with the domestic market.
We can provide laundry powder both biological and non-biological laundry powder detergent together with laundry liquids again biological laundry liquids and non-biological laundry liquid detergent, along with fabric conditioners and laundry destainers suitable for use manually or via laundry dosing equipment.
Possibly of most interest to the care sector is our Hygienicare laundry soap powder tested effective against MRSA and an excellent all round laundry powder.
We are always happy to answer any queries that you may have and provide advice and any additional information which you may require and in this respect please dont hesitate in contacting us.